Life How Working Out Made Me a Better Writer Kaily, October 15, 2023January 1, 2024 I was never an athletic person. I was not fit as a kid. And I mean I was really, really not fit. It is no exaggeration to say that I was dead last or objectively the worst in every single sporting event or activity I participated in as a kid, regardless of the amount of people involved. Continue Reading
Book Review Book Review: Breach of Peace Kaily, June 6, 2023October 8, 2023 I was surprised by how much I liked this book! He has the audiobooks for them both up for free on YouTube, so I listened to a good bit of Breach of Peace before I bought the ebook. I went into the audiobook before reading the blurb or knowing anything about it other than the fact that it was a mystery/fantasy, so the horror elements really surprised me. Continue Reading
Uncategorized The Literary Value of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Kaily, May 15, 2023June 1, 2023 In college, I had a few college professors who confidently discredited science fiction and fantasy as not “real” literature. “Real” literature, some say, should be about the condition of man, the flow of history, and the struggles faced by everyday people. Despite what some might say, sci-fi, fantasy, and other genre literature are often about at least one, if not all of these topics. Continue Reading